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Friday, January 10, 2014

Picture books are (just) for kids?

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Picture books are (just) for kids?

Some people laugh when I say I still read picture books. My avid children’s literature friends understand. I read picture books for a few reasons: I taught preschool for many years, it’s now my line of research, I enjoy writing them, and for pure enjoyment! As an adult, the messages I take away from a picture book are endless. 

Take Dave the Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave for example, which I read again today. It tells the story of an artist and poet, who was able to practice and perfect his craft while under the oppression of slavery. What many around him saw as useless dirt, Dave used to make clay to mold into beautifully handmade pots and jars, which he sold and used to store goods. Each pot was signed and engraved with one of his original poems –I wonder where is all my relation, friendship to all –and every nation.

Dave’s inspiring story reminds the adult me:

1.     Perspective is key

2.     One man’s trash is another man's treasure

3.     Even when you doubt, exude confidence

4.     When you discover your purpose, you can give more than you ever expected

5.     You can produce a lot with just a little

6.     Leave your mark along the way
7.   Brush past the roadblocks and excel

Thanks Dave for those reminders!


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